Thursday, 8 January 2009

Wedding Cakes ~ cupcake with style!

(Art Nouveau wedding cake with cupcakes by

Many couples are adding uniques style and a modern twist to their wedding in their choice of cake.
Traditionally, the cake would have been a fruit cake between one and four tiers high. The many varied options now include flavoured cakes such as chocolate, carrot etc. Many couples are also opting for the look and design qualities of the cup cake towers.

(Chocolate cupcake wedding cake tower ~

Cakes are individually decorated and then piled in designs either supported by layed stands or simply piled ontop of one another.
The skill of icing these dainty cakes is a real art form. The decoration can be adapted to suit the scheme and style of the wedding.

(red and pink wedding cupcakes by Kylie Lambert (Le cupcake)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post.

    I'm constantly telling people to opt for the non-traditional wedding cake and choose something like these cakes pictured above.

    They are a great alternative and your guests will be delighted.


It's always lovely to receive your comments. I'll add them to the post just as soon as possible!